The ATD Manure System

Recycles barn slurry liquids to reduce nutrient application costs and freshwater demand

The ATD Manure System processes the manure daily and after solids capture for bedding or bunker storage, returns solids-free water to the barns or optionally to your Lagoon.

The volume recycled to the barns will result in a significantly lower demand on your daily fresh water source with no loss of nutrients or create an irrigation reserve at your current demand. We can arrange to upgrade your source of freshwater quality as well.

Example of a dairy farm irrigation option

Forecast   All solids stored above ground 
Lactating cow herd, Robot Milking?  Digestor? 300 No No
Daily Manure Disposition  Input L/day  Output L/day
Manure dry matter produced            2,345
Flushing and Manure Liquids          43,036
Drier solids in storage              7,793 17%
**Water recycled to the farm.            33,817 75%
TDS concentrate to storage              3,771 8%
Total          45,381            45,381 100%
Annually available to barn or irrigation, Gals.     3,272,545                10.0 Acre/ft
Recycled current freshwater demand 60%
Reduced Nutrient Application Metric Tonnes          12,363 75%
** Drinking water standard, double disinfected, TDS<=300 ppm

Advantages with the ATD Dairy and Pork Manure Management System

At present, any move to expand or consolidate livestock operations has been inhibited by the cost to collect, store, and apply manure nutrients. There are moratoriums on new construction and citizen push back at hearings for new operations and now climate change is making it nearly impossible for some farmers to water their livestock. However, adaptations of existing technology now offer solutions – extract fresh water from the manure daily, reducing farm consumption by up to 50% and prepare everything else for other uses or sale off-site.


  • Reduces Nitrogen losses to volatilization by up to 44%

  • All solids are captured and in above ground storage
  • Can be installed in steps to suit time and budget

  • Time tested equipment from International Suppliers

  • Operates effectively in most climates

  • Can be adapted for digester operations

  • Adapts to installed solids separation equipment

  • Flush pits refilled daily with filtered water

  • Requires less space than biological treatments

  • Automated operation with remote support from suppliers


  • Increases long term soil Nitrogen
  • Lagoon capacity no longer a concern
  • Increased sustainability and the protection of legacy farm values

  • Reduces farm fresh water requirements by up to 50%

  • Reduces field time, compaction and fuel costs

  • Provides opportunity for new cash flow

  • Allows herd expansion on the same acreage if nutrient balance maintained

  • Eliminates slurry application and safety concerns in favour of manure solids and concentrate

  • Reduces struvite formation
  • Recognizes improved environmental management and husbandry

  • Improves air quality for healthier animals and staff

  • Reduces exposure to regulatory sanctions and adverse public opinion associated with manure management

Learn how the ATD System Helps Protect the Environment