- BARN MANURE100kg Example
TRADITIONAL LAGOON: CAPACITY 100Water 94.0% Lagoon Pumpout to field-Spring and Fall NH4 (gas) .0004% TDS 0.5% Irrigation capacity - limited - The Reservoir:Some nutrients still Press Effluent Solids
Free Water 81.2 %
NH4 (gas) .0004% TDS .5%- The Reservoir:Clean recycled water from barn 40%
Fresh water direct from source at non-peak times 60%- STEP 2Capture and concentrate TDS and NH4
- Dissolved Solids and Gases removed and concentrated. Spread to field anytime except winter.
- Recycled water for washing and drinking
- STEP 1Capture Suspended Solids
30% D.M. 18.3% of volume.
Spread to field anytime except winter.
Lighter loads, less cost, less GHG's.
- Recycled water for flushing 36.3% of volume