Video Shows that Potable Reuse Produces Great Tasting Water

The use of water purification technology to take water that would have been used just once and thrown away, treat it, and make it safe to drink again has been making headlines. From newspapers and television news to late night TV and the internet, more and more people are learning that this water is not only made safe through proven technology, but it also tastes really good!

This week, the popular website BuzzFeed released a video in which people tasted bottled water, tap water, and purified recycled water from the Orange County Water District in southern California and consistently selected the purified water as the best tasting. The video had more than a half million views in the first few days.

[youtube id=”p-f_F3tE9rA”]

Some other videos on Water:

[youtube id=”RwrYFJEJSQ0″]

[youtube id=”GVm-d-zOxJs”]